Summer Riding Camp

Bryan, Texas

Horseback Riding Camp

Horseback Riding Camps near College Station, Texas

Horseback Riding Camp, Bryan, Texas

We will have 4 regular camp sessions AND 4 mini camps for younger riders.


Each regular camp runs one Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. till 12 noon each day. These are half-day camps.

Riders can arrive as early as 7:30 each morning.

We have a fun filled, horse packed, week. The riders get their horses ready each morning (with help), we ride for several hours learning speed events, jumping, and more. Then have a refreshing snack break.

At the end of camp each day there is a craft and game time. The crafts and games vary depending on what the group chooses that week. All are memorable and fun!

On Friday, we will have a time that family and friends can come and see what campers have learned; where riders get to show off their new and improved equestrian skills.

Horses, tack, equipment, snacks, and crafts are all included!

Horses are limited, so be sure to register soon to ensure there is space for your camper.

Campers must be at least 9 years old to register for regular sessions. Each week is $499/rider.

Session 1 begins May 26

Session 2 begins June 2

Session 3 begins June 16

Session 4 begins June 23


Mini Camps are for young riders 4-8 years old.

To register for mini camps, children must be able to listen to other adults and mind them, without their parents supervising. Children must also be completely potty trained.

These are one day camps where young campers get to ride, play games, learn about horses, do crafts, have snacks, and enjoy the farm life. Each mini camp day is from 8 am till noon. Each Mini camp day is $95

Mini Camp days are: June 10, June 11, June 12, and June 13

Please register each child for the session or sessions you wish them to attend. Call Lisa with any questions. Her number is 979-229-3622 .

Remember, camp spaces are very limited to give each camper lots of fun and attention. Register soon, to ensure your child's spot. You may register your camper for multiple camp sessions.

By the way, we suggest not planning activities for your camper for the afternoon. We tend to really wear them out. Campers mostly (of all ages) tend to go home, eat lunch, and nap till dinner. :)

Enjoy the outdoors with horses!

Learn new skills!

Make lasting friendships!

Summer Camp FAQs

Can I see pictures and videos from previous Summer Camps?

Absolutely! Please click here to see pictures!

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Are riding helmets provided if one wants to protect their head?

While children are required to wear helmets at all times, and we do have helmets available to borrow. Also, feel free to bring your own helmet, if you prefer.

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During the riding portion of the camp, will riders be able to jump, if they want to?

We will cover lots of skills, including basic jumping, as each rider's skills allow.

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Do you have to be an experienced rider to participate in the Camps?

No, you actually do not need to have any riding experience at all! We can help those who have never ridden to give riding a try. We can also work with those who are experienced to have some fun on our horses, while getting a few "tips and tricks" from our team of outstanding instructors!

Is there a cost associated with attending camp, and, if so, what does it cover?

The cost is $499/week for each week of camp sessions, and $95 for each day of mini camp for young riders.
This includes the horse, the tack, a helmet (to borrow, if needed), the horseback riding lessons and ride time, craft supplies, and snacks.

How long is the event expected to last?

Each regular camp session is 8 am until 12 noon, Monday - Friday of the specified week. Each mini camp is one day from 8 am till 12 noon on that specified day.

Is the event only for those under 18?

Yes, these camps are designed for children, ages 4 - 17. If you are an adult looking to ride, please contact us about riding lessons, or our Wine & Ride events.

Is registration required to attend the event? If so, how can people register?

Yes, advanced registration is absolutely required, as space is limited. Please click the "Summer Camp Registration" button on this page. All registrations must be submitted no later than 1 week before the first Camp session you are requesting. However, many camps will be full long before that time, so register soon to ensure space.

Will participants be provided with horses for the event? Do they need to bring any riding gear or equipment?

Horses and equipment included. Riding helmets are available to borrow, though you can bring your own helmet, if you wish. If bringing your own horse to camp, you must provide a current negative Coggin's test, and arrive with the horse at between 7 and 7:30 am each camp day. If horse is to be boarded here during camp, there is a $20/day boarding fee which includes hay.

Will there be any food or snacks provided, or should participants bring their own?

Water bottles, water, and snacks are provided. No need to bring anything. If your camper has specific food allergies, be sure we are aware of these.

What happens in case of inclement weather? Is there a rain date or a cancellation policy?

Unless is it lightning, we still ride in the rain. As the camps are in summer, it is warm, and we are not made of sugar. If it is extremely stormy, we will do horsey things in the barn. But please still send your child to participate. Especially since the Texas weather changes often, and it may rain for 15 minutes and then be a beautiful day.

Is there parking available at the event location? Are there any transportation options for those who don't have their own means of getting there?

Yes, there is plenty of parking. Parents or guardians will drop off the campers and then may leave until noon. On the Fridays that we have family day, there should be enough parking for everyone. If you have trouble finding a place, just ask, and we will help you fit.

For those who need transportation, Uber is an excellent option.

Is there a recommended dress code for the event, especially for horse riding?

Riders should wear long pants, a close-fitting shirt, and boots.

If boots are not available, riders must wear close-toed, hard soled shoes with heels of at least 1/4 inch.

Paddock boots are our first choice of footwear. Paddock boots can be purchased online or at Dover Saddlery in Austin or Houston.

These are short boots that zip or tie, and are the safest option for riding, while not being too hot in the summer.

What is the event's cancellation policy in case someone can't attend?

Because the camp space is very limited, refunds are not possible after May 1, 2025

If that camp is full, and there is a wait list, AND we are able to fill your spot with another rider, then we can offer a half refund.

Is there a contact person or email/phone number for inquiries or additional information?

Please call Lisa at 979-229-3622.

Are you allowed to bring your own horse?

You can bring your own horse, however:

  • You must arrive by 7 am.

  • You must provide a current negative coggins test for your horse

  • No stallions may join the camp

  • You must provide your own tack
    AND if the horse stays during the week, board is $20/day and includes hay.

Is the snack time happening before, during, or after riding?

We ride first, then have snack time to recover from the exercise of riding. Games and crafts then follow snack time.

Where will the riding take place?

In the arena at Royal Legend Arabians and Horse Center, 7786 Riley Road, Bryan, TX 77808.

If campers become advanced enough, we may also ride in the pasture on trails.

What kind of food will be served?

Snacks may consist of different fruits, puddings, fruit cups, ice cream, or various other cooling or rehydrating snacks, and ones that will replace a bit of salt that was lost, such as pretzels or other snack crackers. Occasionally sweeter treats may be offered.

Is there a limit on how many people can attend?

YES! Camps are very exclusive events. We usually limit it to 8 riders per session, unless we have more advanced riders, in which case we can have a few more.

Do I need to sign any forms or show proof of age?

Upon arrival at the event, parents or guardians will need to sign a release of liability waiver. Proof of age is not necessary, but please place your camper in the most appropriate sessions. Young, timid children do better in the one-day mini camps. Regular week camp sessions require riders to be must more independent.

7786 Riley Rd

Bryan, TX 77808

(979) 589-1638

7786 Riley Rd

Bryan, TX 77808

(979) 589-1638